Skin care question #1 – One Skin, Droplette, Vitamin C, BHA Toner

I just heard in your latest podcast that One Skin goes first (besides Droplette). I was going by the rule from thinnest to thickest, but even if my vitamin C or another serum or bha toner is very thin, should we still apply it after Oneskin? I’ve been using it for a while (it’s actually how I found you all since they reposted you once) and had no clue! Thanks for your help.

HI Erin! Great skin care question. Yes, when I attended the One Skin and Droplette event, One Skin confirmed that all skincare should go on after the One Skin product application, with the exception of the Droplette. They mentioned that this is due to the micro fusion technology of the Droplette. I hear you, though! I am also used to applying skincare in that order, so it still feels odd to apply one skin before applying my Vit C serum and other products. The toner, however, would be the exception, as you are prepping your skin. So toner, One Skin, Vit C, followed by other products (according to them, unless I hear otherwise).

SkinCare Question #2 Droplette 2.0, Collagen, Retinol, Glycolic Acid

Hey! I’ve been enjoying my Droplette so much that I have signed up for the 2.0 version! I regularly use Collagen and Retinol, but I can’t seem to deal with the Glycolic Acid. Ugh! I cough. I sputter. I feel like I’m in an overpowering cloud and haven’t finished the treatment. I’ve tried twice. Have you had a similar experience? Do you have any suggestions?

From Droplette Co.: Misting with potent ingredients like glycolic acid can be a bit harsh. To minimize any discomfort, we recommend holding your breath while actively misting. Droplette’s default mode allows you to turn the device on and off as needed. If you need a break, simply hit the button on the side of the device to turn it off, step forward out of the mist, and resume misting when you feel ready. This way, you can mist at your own pace and take breaks as needed. Please don’t hesitate to use this feature if you feel uncomfortable at any time during your misting session

Skin Care Question #3 Heliocare

Hi Lindsey and Ashley! I’m so excited for all of this skin care information and for your app that is coming soon. I found your podcast and am making my way through all of them!

One question I have that I would love to hear your thoughts on is Heliocare. I heard a dermatologist on a podcast say that it is important to take and can protect your skin from the inside. Is there any evidence for that? What do y’all think? Thank you!

Emily, I haven’t tried Heliocare, but I did some research. Currently, I am slowly getting my hormones back in balance after having a baby, so I am very slowly adding supplements, one at a time, back into my daily routine. Actually, what happened to me was that I added a few at once and broke out in complete hives. Like really bad, not able to sleep hives. I even had prescription strength hydrocortisone, and that didn’t help. The only thing that helped was getting an ice cube and rubbing it on the hives to freeze them to death. So I stopped all my supplements to remove the hives first. Then I am adding one supplement at a time so I can figure out which one I had a reaction to. I just wanted to share that with anyone starting their supplement journey. To take it slow. It is tempting to add a lot at the same time, but you really want to be able to isolate any issues if they come up. Same with your skincare. Add it slowly, do a test patch if sensitive. Then you can see what’s working or not. 

Ok, so for Heliocare. Here is an overview of The research I have done, and I’ll give you my opinion at the end. What is HelioCare? The company says it’s a clinically proven and dermatologist-recommended dietary supplement. It is made with a natural fern extract packed with antioxidant properties that help protect your skin from the effects of free radicals that can cause wrinkles, discoloration, and other signs of environmental aging. 

So apparently, the supplements are made from Fernblock PLE Technology, and the PLE stands for Polypodium leucotomos fern, (which they state is native to Central and South America) has developed its own protections against harmful free radicals in the environment. 

Ok, to simplify it again,  this supplement is saying it can neutralize free radicals and the damage it can cause, which speeds up aging.

Ingredients: Does not contain iodine, chemicals, cholesterol, or hormones. It is supposed to affect the skin over your entire body and won’t be washed away by swimming, sweating, or other activities (of course, as it’s a pill). It also contains corn starch as the first ingredient (which is a refined carbs-so just know that as you will be consuming it daily). When something is the first ingredient, it means it has the most of it in it. 

Studies: The studies are listed on their website. I think the studies are OK. Most of the conclusions of the studies were that they may help with XX problem (ex.) melasma). They aren’t amazing like the one that One Skin uses. 

 In one study I read, 19 human and 6 basic science studies were included, spanning over 40 years of research, which consisted of subjects taking an oral pill daily. Side effects were mild to moderately gastrointestinal. 

Another study’s results stated that it may be used as an adjuvant to traditional means of photoprotection to protect against the effects of VL. statistical significance was not reached, possibly due to lack of sensitivity of the visual IGA scoring system in detecting small changes

Another study for melasma said The oral PLE aqueous extract product appears to be a safe and effective adjunctive treatment for melasma in combination with topical hydroquinone and sunscreen.  Ok, well, if you are adding hydroquinone to it and sunscreen, then to me, that kind of defeats the purpose.


First off, the reviews are pretty incredible. On one site I went to, it had around 75% 5 star ratings out of 3800 reviews. That’s pretty good. Only 3% had a 1 star rating.  Of course I want to look at the 1 star, and the feedback was: it triggered a migraine; another was to watch the drug interactions with other drugs and potential side effects, which include feeling sleepy and fatigued from the main ingredient.

Ok, so another review, which I laughed at after reading because the person said it kept them away and they couldn’t sleep! Another person said they broke out in hives and itched everywhere. Ooh! That was a red flag for me personally, just after experiencing my breakout.

Another person mentioned that there is corn starch in the ingredients. 

Good reviews: 

1)My Dermatologist recommended the product to enhance the broad spectrum sunscreen she has me use daily. I have consistently used it over a year now, had no sunburns, and just got a clear annual skin screening exam!

2) Heliocare was highly recommended by my dermatologist due to my breast cancer history and issues with my skin reacting to sun exposure. Excited to start using

3) I’m obsessed with sun protection, and I’m always trying different sunscreens. A friend recommended these pills, and I see a difference, especially with my husband. When he plays golf every week, no matter how much sunscreen he puts on, he always gets super tanned. When he takes these pills (obviously with sun protection as directed), he doesn’t get tanned or burned. Huge difference. Another thing: you get extra protection in places where you forget to put sunscreen. 

4)I have been using this product for about 20 months – it keeps your skin so nice. My dermatologist recommended it for laser treatments and dark spots that can occur with lasering. My procedure went beautifully. Many thanks! Also good for when in the sun.


6) I don’t burn anymore!! I’ve burned my whole life; this is a game changer!!

My conclusion: I would definitely want to see more studies done on this with more subjects and over longer periods of time.

I would take it slow to make sure you don’t have any reactions like an upset stomach, rashes, or effects on your headaches. I am prone to all of those, so I would really have to take it slow. 

Also, make sure it blends well with any of your other supplements or medications you are taking. 

If you are okay with having corn starch every day, then I think it’s okay. Do I 100% know it’s working? No. 

Would I try it for 6 months and see if you notice a difference? Yes

I would take before and after photos and track exactly what change I was trying to achieve. And also note that this does NOT replace your sunscreen.

Thank you to all our lapree beauty community members for these fantastic skin care questions. Ashley and I appreciate and adore each one of you! Thank you for being a part of our community. We love everything skin! Until next time and tune in every Tuesdays for brand new episodes!

To get in contact with me, send me a message in my lapree beauty skincare community. I love hearing from you! 

Beauty Smiles,

Lindsey and Ashley

Links and Resources:

Products we use

Ageless Anti-Gray Kit includes shampoo + conditioner and hair serumDiscount code is lapreebeauty for 20% off! 

Scalp Massager we have this one 

OneSkin Face – Holder15 discount

OneSkin Eye – Holder15 discount

OneSkin Body Lotion – Holder15 discount, – great for summer since showing more skin. Both Ash and I use the OneSkin products in the morning and at night.  It REVERSES aging at the molecular level, so you can look a decade younger, according to the OneSkin scientists.

Droplette Device – discount LAPREEBEAUTY20

Its medical grade technology breaks down large molecules, getting ingredients where topical application can’t.  Droplette infuses skincare actives 20 times more effectively. Droplette is a skin repair technology created by MIT scientists, funded by NASA, and medically validated by Walter Reed Medical Center. We are currently using the retinol and collagen hydrofiller capsules.

Lyma Laser At Home Cold Laser

Favorite sunscreens that don’t use a spray! 

All of our favorite products in One Area found here! Yay! 

Tinted moisturizer we are loving for the summer! 

My favorite satin pillowcase

Our favorite minerals – We drink these for magnesium, trace minerals, and electrolytes! 
Find all our discount codes in our free lapree community Enjoy the savings!

With over 13 years of experience being both a licensed esthetician and owning her own spa with her skin obsessed sister and researcher Ashley working right beside her! Let’s listen to these sisters’ thoughts, facts, opinions, and advice on skincare and ways to optimize your health!

Disclaimer: All media and platforms are not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Content provided by our platform is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options. Information on our platform should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. The statements made about specific products throughout our platform are not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

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