Why does our neck sag as we age? As a licensed esthetician and spa owner of over a decade, this is a question I get quite frequently. I find that it is helpful to understand the why of something in order to help solve the issue. That’s what prompted me to go further in depth into not only how we can tighten the neck, but what is causing our neck to sag in the first place.
Hi, I am Lindsey – a Master Esthetician and former spa owner of over 13 years! I host a weekly podcast, named Spa Skin and Beauty along with my cohost and sister, Ashley! Every Tuesday we bring you a new skincare tip to keep your skin healthy and beautiful. Our goal is get you your best skin yet!
The neck sags with age because the muscles and ligaments that support the neck become weaker and less elastic. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including changes in hormone levels, loss of collagen and elasticity in the skin, and the effects of gravity on the neck area. In addition, the loss of fat from the face and neck can contribute to sagging in the neck area. As we age, we lose fat in our face and neck, which can cause the skin to become less elastic and more prone to sagging. Let’s not forget other culprits such as sun exposure and smoking. So, if you are a sun worshiper (please begin wearing sunscreen) or a smoker, please work on quitting both immediately, and of course stay out of the tanning bed. Reason being, sun exposure breaks down collagen and elastin, leading to premature aging, while smoking can contribute to the breakdown of collagen.
Neck sagging is a normal process because as we age, our skin loses its elasticity and collagen production slows down, leading to sagging skin on the neck. This is a natural part of the aging process and is caused by a combination of factors.
The first factor is the natural breakdown of collagen and elastin in in the skin. Collagen and elastin are proteins that give skin its structure and elasticity. As we age, our bodies produce less of these proteins, leading to a decrease in skin elasticity. This causes the skin to become thinner and less able to hold its shape, leading to sagging.
The second factor is gravity. As we age, our skin loses its ability to fight against gravity, leading to sagging skin on the neck. This is especially true for people who have lost a lot of weight, as the skin is unable to “snap back into place” as it did when they were younger.
My Neck Care Recommendations!
OneSkin for Neck – Holder15 for savings
Microneedling for Neck and Face
Lifting Neck Serum – Lindsey15 for savings
LED Mask for Face – CBSPA20 for savings
LED Mask Neck Attachment – CBSPA20 for savings
Droplette Device – use code for savings: LAPREEBEAUTY20
The third factor is sun exposure. Sun exposure can cause damage to the skin, leading to wrinkles and sagging. This is because the sun’s UV rays break down collagen and elastin, leading to a decrease in skin elasticity.
Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the appearance of sagging skin on the neck. A few basic things include using sunscreen to protect the skin from sun damage, using moisturizers to keep the skin hydrated, and using products that contain ingredients such as retinol and vitamin C to help stimulate collagen production. Additionally, there are surgical and non-surgical treatments available to help reduce the appearance of sagging skin on the neck which I will go into detail in my podcast, Spa Skin and Beauty. Also, for a written step by step instruction or to watch me in my skincare video – you can join lapree beauty, our esthetician led skincare community. I would love to hear from you.
Now that you understand the why, let’s work on fixing it! I go into this in my SPA SKIN and BEAUTY podcast entitled, How to Tighten the Neck and Lift your Neck Without Surgery!
Beauty Smiles,
Lindsey and Ashley
My Neck Care Recommendations!
OneSkin for Neck – Holder15 for savings
Microneedling for Neck and Face
Lifting Neck Serum – Lindsey15 for savings
LED Mask for Face – CBSPA20 for savings
LED Mask Neck Attachment – CBSPA20 for savings
Droplette Device – use code for savings: LAPREEBEAUTY20
Become a lapree beauty member, our free esthetician led skincare community: lapree beauty
Product discount codes: lapree beauty
Skincare Products: skincare spa shop!
Our favorite minerals for electrolytes and magnesium
Social Media Instagram: @lindseyrholder @spaskinandbeauty
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Content provided on this platform is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options. Information on this platform should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. The statements made about specific products throughout this article are not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.