pregnancy skincare and Ai Artificial intelligence

I am currently pregnant at 46 and pregnancy skincare is definitely a daily priority for me! I was worried about the dreaded mask of pregnancy with dark spots and hormonal acne. I think if I wasn’t an Esthetician AND if I didn’t’ know/have a few of these items my skin would have looked differently. I took care of my skin all throughout my pregnancy and wanted to share with you the modalities, products, and tips I used.

On the show, I compare what a robot says versus an esthetician and why! Can a robot beat what an Esthetician would say? I test the artificial intelligence skill set against my own as an Esthetician like me with 13 years of experience.  Who wins?  Tune in to find out

Now chat a.i. Is definitely new to the game and I know it will improve drastically over the next year or so but that is where we are right now.

So, let’s start with the positive, what items CAN  you use on your skin while pregnant?

Of course it goes without saying that I am not a Dr. Do what’s right for you and what you and your Dr. discuss. Everyone is different. So the following is my own personal opinion on pregnancy skincare and such and do what’s best for you! All my product recommendations can be found here.

Cleansing: I typically use a gentle cleansing balm first and then a stronger cleanser on days I’m wearing more. You can use an enzyme while pregnant or a manual exfoliant. I alternated between the cream cleanser and the enzyme scrub which also has jojoba beads and niacinamide in it.

If you need a little more cleansing to get rid of sebaceous filaments, you can use a skin scrubber to gently pull those out. 

To make my skin look plump and fill in the lines, I love using my with the Collagen Hydrofiller.

Ok, here is the BIG controversy with pregnancy skincare: Can you use a salicylic acid while pregnant? My opinion: yes and no. So, I did use a little while pregnant. BUT I did not use it stronger than 2 % and only when I really needed it. And this was for topical. Ironically, I was asked by my Dr. to take 2 baby aspirin to prevent or delay that onset of preeclampsia and preterm birth. Which as we know aspirin belongs to the family of salicylic acid, so I have been taking a low dose orally. They didn’t start me on this until my second trimester. No studies that I could find show the correlation of topical salicylic acid so I’ve noticed in all the research they are just asking you to take low doses orally and a low percentage topically.

For all the rest of the information enjoy listening to this episode of our Spa Skin and Beauty podcast! On this episode, I discuss acne, Benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid, dermarolling, hydrofiller capsules, LED masks, skin topical supplements, daytime routines, hydration, wrinkles, internal supplements.

Beauty Smiles,


Products for this episode: Pregnancy products

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Disclaimer: This article, video, post is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Content provided in this article, video, and or post is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options. Information on this article, video, post should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. The statements made about specific products throughout this article are not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.