Our New Healthy body & Skin cookbook is Coming!!!

Our New Healthy body & Skin cookbook is Coming!!!

Our new Healthy body & Skin cookbook is coming!!! Here is what Lindsey and Ashley are working on. The healthy body and skin cookbook will be a nutritious meal prep book designed to nourish your body and get you to a healthier state. The recipes will be...
Why Isotonic Water Matters for Your Health

Why Isotonic Water Matters for Your Health

Isotonic water is another powerful supplement that goes along with last week where we talked about adding Molecular Hydrogen into our water. Today in part 2 of water supplements we are going to chat about quinton isotonic water Marine Plasma.  When I first heard...
The Power of Hydrogen Molecular Water

The Power of Hydrogen Molecular Water

Most people have no idea the power in one tablet of hydrogen molecular water! So lately my water has been a little more on the bubbly side. I am talking about when I add molecular hydrogen into my water.  I have been using the molecular tablets from the product...