Holiday skin and beauty tips are what’s on this Spa Skin and Beauty podcast today! This is a super fun holiday skin and beauty tips edition as sisters Lindsey and Ashley go over all of their skincare and beauty tips on how they get ready for the holiday parties, holiday events, holiday SUPPERS, and more. This is the season when you are seeing everyone and want to look and feel your best. We can help! In this episode, us skincare sisters and experts share exactly what we do to look our holiday best! Enjoy! Lapree beauty, esthetician-led skincare.

xx Lindsey & Ashley

MOST Holiday and Beauty products found here that we talked about today. 

These ones below found in Amazon

Pink Clay Mask – clear out pores

Self Tanning Drops – great ingredients! 

Turmeric Face Oil – dab on cheeks

Color Wow – Root Touch Up– fantastic for covering up grays – 

Watermelon Blood Orange Shampoo

Glo Skin Beauty tinted moisturizer

Hot Mess Ice roller

Non-toxic electric tea kettle 

Munchkin Sanitizer – Lindsey uses this for micro needling tools, brushes, skincare tools

Homemade Ginger Bread Cookies and Icing recipe

Milk Chocoloate Healthy M&M’s no dyes dupe that Ashley and I decorated with! 

Dark Chocolate dupe with no dyes that Ashley and I also used! Contains cruncy quinoa

Calm mold free – swiss filtered coffeeDiscount code is LAPREEBEAUTY20

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Lindsey Holder| Spa Skin and Beauty| lapree beauty participates in Amazon and affiliate programs.  If you choose to use a link, then we will receive a commission. 

We believe in sharing products that have worked for us and products we use and love.